Our Core Values :
Hope Growth Compassion Community
About Us
The Empowerment Network is a non-profit organization that serves as a network of hope and change for members of Middletown, NY, who have been involved with the justice system. We are a hub of supportive services seeking to reduce the recidivism rate by dismantling the barriers people face when looking to make a positive transition into society. We believe that all individuals deserve another chance to build a stable future that will propel them to become contributing members of society. As the individuals we serve begin to refine and develop their personal, professional and educational goals, through ongoing mental health referral services and mentorship, we envision them enhancing the well-being of marginalized communities.

our Vision
Our vision is to create a future where every individual who has been involved in the criminal justice system has access to the resources and support they need to successfully reintegrate into society. We envision a society where recidivism rates are significantly reduced, and where individuals who have served time can become productive, contributing members of their communities. By providing evidence-based programming, advocacy, and community partnerships, we strive to create a future where individuals are not defined by their past mistakes, but by their potential for positive growth and change.
Our organization’s mission is to reduce recidivism rates by providing comprehensive support and resources to individuals who have been affected by the criminal justice system. We strive to empower our program participants with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to successfully reintegrate into society and lead productive lives. Through evidence-based practices, community partnerships and a personalized care approach, we aim to break the cycle of criminal behavior and promote a positive transformation in the lives of those we serve.
Our Story
The sole purpose of The Empowerment Network Reentry program is to empower formerly incarcerated individuals to overcome the barriers they face while seeking to gain long term employment. We are a unique program that supports citizens who have previously been incarcerated, through an individualized approach where we connect participants with opportunities to be gainfully employed with companies we have secured relationships with. The first barrier most formerly incarcerated individuals face while seeking employment, is obtaining the proper identification necessary to substantiate their identity. We not only provide them with information on where to obtain these documents, rather we also provide transportation to reach these destinations that may not be easily accessible. We have built and sustained a lasting relationship with the Orange County Correctional Facility personnel and have expanded our influence to ensure potential participants consent to connecting with our program upon their exit interview. We provide nurturing and individualized support by facilitating re-entry support groups, educational goal setting, family reunification support, and milestone celebrations when participants reach the goals they have outlined for themselves. We not only take our participants through a fast and thorough process, but we commit to seeing them reach both their short and long term professional goals by offering aftercare services. We have an open door policy where any one of our participants can return and receive ongoing mentorship to redefine their life path.